Officially the SMONAGENES study center is a newly established study center and has researchers from various disciplines including Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Agricultural Technology, Animal Husbandry, Nutrition, Economics, Law and Computer Science who are expected to be able develop and enhance the role of future study centers. Each member at the study center has advantages that complement and strengthen each other.

Current activities, internally, the study center of SMONAGENES is reforming and improving the management system and continuing the research and production activities that have taken place all this while continuing the ongoing community service program. This year researchers are working on nutrigenomic research on bioactive organic black rice as an anti-oxidative healthy nutrient and immunomodulators control the regulation of cascades of genes related to metabolic diseases and continued the previous year’s research on intelligent molecular nutrigenomic studies of fresh milk casein alpha goat milk PE as a healthy nutrient that acts as a natural regulator improves the mechanism of metabolic and degenerative diseases.

Research members have published books on “nutrigenomic and health studies; genomic and proteomic based nutrition “as an effort to disseminate research results so that the technology developed can be felt by the wider community. Other research members are studying pharmacogenomic aspects that focus on the use of natural ingredients of germplasm (plants) as drugs for metabolic and degenerative diseases. Other research members are also trying to explore the potential of genes in microbes for the development of future research. Other researchers who have the power of community service are also studying the potential development of partner communities to support the dissemination of research products. In addition, the head of the study center also often provides guest lectures / speakers abroad in various international activities. Some time ago, SMONAGENES collaborated with other study centers under LPPM-UB to hold an international seminar namely the 5th International Conference on Advanced Molecular Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering (ICAMBBE) 2018.

Some research activities, training, seminars, and collaborations that have been carried out will later be developed, among others,

  • Dissemination to the people of Talok Village, Kec. Turen Kab. Malang for the development of SMEs towards village superior products,
  • Become an honorable speaker in the International Conference on Obesity and Weight Loss in Barcelona, Spain,
  • Speaking at the European summer school on nutrigenomik 2018 in Italy,
  • Research on the inhibition of the glycosylation mechanism in diabetes with the etawa goat milk protein as anti-glycation,
  • Proteomic studies of anti-anthracnose-producing bacteria during metabolite production processes,
  • Collaborating with PT Fajar Mas Murni held administrative management training activities,
  • Collaborate with osteoporosis research group Ulin Banjarmasin Hospital and Faculty
  • Medicine UNLAM Banjarmasin in the management of national cooperation, education, training and development,
  • Management training in making patent documents that provide ways and strategies for drafting quality patents, so as to improve management in strengthening research results through patent protection,
  • Hold molecular biology courses: proteomic analysis and bioinformatics workshops in medical sciences,
  • Dissemination of the results of research and collaboration with the University of Trunojoyo, Madura about the progress of research,
  • International cooperation with Tokyo of Agriculture University in research activities and dissemination of research results,
  • Participation in the 2016 Indonesia Research and Innovation Expo at Airlangga University in the context of product marketing,
  • Dissemination of goat milk products at SD Islam As Salam to parents, teachers, students and academics at the school,
  • Dissemination of research results on milk production techniques in the form of yogurt and cheese in Yogurt and Cheese production houses in Junrejo Batu Malang village, and
  • Dissemination and expert lecture in collaboration with Syah Kuala University, Aceh presented the results of research studies on molecular biology in the analysis of gene regulation.

The list of the above activities is only part of the activities of all activities that have been carried out by members of the researcher during the journey of SMONAGENES. Continuation of all activities is always carried out to strengthen the results of research with the development of product potential, international scientific journal publications, potential patents, to be a speaker and the dissemination of research results to the public directly or through electronic media for public information disclosure. Until now, SMONAGENES has produced research products namely health cosmetics (liquid soap, solid soap, body lotion) and functional food in the form of yogurt for health nutrition that has been tested for product safety and java rice, produced various accredited and indexed international journals, became speakers at various international scientific forums, produce several IPR patents, conduct various kinds of cooperation with domestic and foreign agencies, develop dissemination of research results in a sustainable manner, develop management systems and develop public information systems.

The achievement of these activities has an important role to improve the ability of members to develop research and promote the results of research so as to direct SMONAGENES to realize the stated objectives. But of course all the activities that have been carried out require an evaluation program for improvement and sustainability, improvement and development to be even better. The future development activities of the SMONAGENES study center include,

  • Institutional development in all related aspects so that institutions become stronger including organizational management, research and digital information.
  • Development of innovative research that has novelty to look for other natural genetic sources from local germplasm based on genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic approaches with the potential of innovative, superior and quality research products.
  • Development of variations in innovative research products, assurance of quality and quantity of research products, legality of research products and product commercialization strategies,
  • Development and improvement of dissemination of research results to various partners,
  • Continuous development of human resources (researchers and technical personnel),
  • Development of stakeholder network networks both nationally and internationally.
  • Development of collaboration between institutions in terms of education, training and research.
  • Development of integrated infrastructure for research laboratories and production laboratories.
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