Solid Soap (NUTRILUX)

Anti-inflammatory, anti-premature aging, antioxidants, softens and moisturizes the skin, brightens and nourishes the skin.

Liquid Soap (NUTRILUX)

Maintain skin moisture, care for skin, make skin beautiful, soft and smooth

Goat’s Milk Lotion (NUTRILUX)

Maintain skin smoothness, soften and brighten skin, moisturize and maintain youthfulness of the skin


Pasteurized Goat Milk (goodly)

Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulating, anti-microbial, and as antiosteoporosis

Java Rice

Instantly rice powder (red and black) with various benefits for a healthier and fitter body.

Info on Ordering Nutrilux and Goodly Products can be seen in the following leaflet :

Leaflet 1 Leaflet 2

For more product information, contact:

(0341) 575824

Phone: 081230905299

IG: nutriluxsmonagenes

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