Nutrition, Medical Faculty UB

Field Study: Nutrition

Mrs. Dian was born in Malang on April 2, 1974. She was educated in the undergraduate program at the public health faculty, University of Indonesia. After graduating from the program, she continued her studies in the 2-level program in the field of biomedical specialization in nutrition, Universitas Brawijaya. The Doctoral Program is pursued in the field of health sciences-nutrition and dietetic at the University of Wollongong, Australia.

Currently active as a staff educator in the Department of Nutrition while serving as Chair of the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya. He also joined the association of Indonesian nutrition higher education institutions (AIPGI) as well as various professional organizations at national and international levels. Besides that, he is also an editor and reviewer of national and international journals. Various national and international scientific publications have been included in indexed journals. She also wrote various books that have been published by various publishers. Correspondence can be done via email for more detail information.

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